Spark and
sustain change.

Build a better future.

If you want to start a movement, shift your strategy, change your place in the market, or challenge the status quo, I can help. Together, we can custom design learning experiences that help move people through meaningful change. Perfect for leaders who want to build a better future and need to develop the capability and culture to make it real.

Andrew Horsfield - Change positive.

1 day workshop

Change positive.

Making change is hard because in the face of unrelenting uncertainty, people fight to protect the status quo. A stale workforce, entrenched behaviours or satisfaction with current levels of success, are signs you need to prime people for change, before asking them to consider new ways of working.

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Andrew Horsfield - Tweak the team

3 month intensive

Tweak the team.

Sometimes shifting the culture in your own team is what’s most important. Especially if you need to overcome existing silo’s and self-interest so people can rally around a common cause. We’ll design and deliver a highly engaging program to redefine your work, realise your gifts and raise the bar to what can be achieved.

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Andrew Horsfield - Peak performance

12 month transformation

Peak performance.

This program will really resonate if you can articulate your vision and need to create a practical pathway for people to follow. Over the course of twelve months, we will design a series of customised learning experiences for people to acquire new skills and embed behaviour change deep within your culture. An exceptional program that helps people and teams perform at their peak.

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Curate cultural change.

Discover the five conversations any leader needs to have to curate a strong culture.

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Transform your current trajectory.

A program to transform your current trajectory needs to include five core fundamentals to deliver sustainable change.


The promise of tomorrow has to be more compelling than the premise of today if people are going to change. So this is where we will start.


We will prepare you and your leadership team to drive change by increasing their capability to deliver results in demanding contexts.


People go further, faster with less effort when they shift their frame from effort to impact. A transition we can teach so results get realised.


Under duress we don’t rise to the occasion – we sink to our level of skill. So people need a suite of effective habits that promote high performance.


To achieve performance you need to amplify progress. We will create a series of recognition, rituals and rewards that stimulate success.

Build a better future

Change is hard.

Getting people to adopt change requires us to consider their means and motivation for making change. Being collaborative means we can develop a comprehensive plan to address the challenge of change. A strategic approach helps us successfully navigate the process, so people commit to creating a better future.

Andrew Horsfield - Change is hard


What clients value.


Andrew gave our leadership team a life hack around leadership, motivation and our unique way of being. Honest, intelligent and always thought provoking, his authentic approach consistently delivers on promises that result in improved performance.

Michael Donahoo, General Manager

Grill’d Healthy Burgers


Andrew’s works warrants your attention. He has consistently provided us with the ingredients for success, with content that is practical, thought provoking and performance orientated. He has exceeded our expectations whenever we have wanted to advance.

Gea Zamin, State Manager



If you have an aspiration that matters to you, you have to do the work that matters. And that’s hard. Andrew courageously pushed us out of our comfort zone to discover more about definable moments and why they are so important for delivering results.

Nola Wakeford, Head of Human Resources

BAE Systems