I can’t predict the winner, but I promise you I can predict the future.
- Steve Sammartino -

Episode #3
Steve Sammartino - Think like a futurist
Steve Sammartino speaks, writes and collaborates on the future. In this episode, we discuss some of the short and long-term patterns shaping our future, the new 3 R’s for a modern economy, and how to acquire the assets that will help you succeed in the future of work.
Episode 3 - Steve Sammartino
Steve Sammartino speaks, writes and collaborates on the future. He has sent a lego space shuttle into space, created a car that runs on air and is building a house of the future that is 3D printed, operates off grid, is fully equipped with future technology like AI and voice command – and even includes a drone landing pad on the roof. Steve is a serious futurist with a savvy mind.
In this conversation, apart from sharing his method for predicting the Powerball numbers, Steve breaks down how certain patterns influence his short and long-term predictions, why social, economic and technological developments drive change, the new 3 R’s we should be considering in a modern economy, and how to acquire the assets that will help you succeed in the future of work.
A sought after change advisor for some of the world’s largest companies, I hope you enjoy this rich and engaging conversation with Steve Sammartino.